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Flow Control

Python if...else Statement

In this article, you will learn to create decisions in a Python program using different forms of if..else statement.

Video: Python if...else Statement

Here, the program evaluates the test expression and will execute statement(s) only if the test expression is True.

If the test expression is False, the statement(s) is not executed.

In Python, the body of the if statement is indicated by the indentation. The body starts with an indentation and the first unindented line marks the end.

Python interprets non-zero values as True. None and 0 are interpreted as False.

What is if...else statement in Python?

Decision making is required when we want to execute a code only if a certain condition is satisfied.

The if…elif…else statement is used in Python for decision making.

Python if Statement Syntax

if test expression:

Here, the program evaluates the test expression and will execute statement(s) only if the test expression is True.

If the test expression is False, the statement(s) is not executed.

In Python, the body of the if statement is indicated by the indentation. The body starts with an indentation and the first unindented line marks the end.

Python interprets non-zero values as True. None and 0 are interpreted as False.

Python if Statement Flowchart

Flowchart of if statement in Python programming
Flowchart of if statement in Python programming

Example: Python if Statement

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